I thought I best check in here. My life is somewhat out of sorts these days. The job has been very demanding and doesn't leave much time for anything else.
There has been little time available for stitching, but I did finish up a "stitching small" which is going in the mail this week to
Darby. We decided to do a personal exchange together. It's been fun corresponding and getting to know her. Once she receives the package I will post a photo for you.
I also started another sampler. I know, I know - I seem to be the Queen of Starts with no finishes! But, this is one that I would like to finish sooner rather than later. It's a birth sampler for the son of a very special friend. The pattern is in a recent edition of SANQ. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.

Lastly, here's a sweet little hardanger fob that I stitched for
Wendy Jo.

Thank you for all your kind comments about my recent framing. Next time Michaels offers the 60% discount again I think I will take a few more pieces in. They did a nice job.
Hoping to plant myself in my stitching chair real soon and maybe take in some football tonight.