It is unseasonably warm here in Minnesota today with temps in the 80's and muggy! I expect we'll have some thunderstorms move through later today; the sky is overcast and it just kind of looks like we're in for a good storm. Good reason to stay inside and stitch!
It's been a delightful weekend thus far. On Friday night after work, I went to my daughter's last regular season lacrosse game. It was a beautiful evening to watch a lacrosse game and they won! Section playoffs start next week. After the lacrosse game I headed over to Joan's house for some stitching with the Friday night gang.
Saturday morning was spent running errands. Since my husband was cleaning the garage, my son was working and my daughter was spending the afternoon with friends, I was free to do my own thing. If you were me, what would you do? Ummm, more stitching of course! The gang got together at Joan's house again and we stitched until 10pm or so.
Which brings me to today. Too hot and sticky to do anything outside. I'll keep the laundry going and make a good dinner for my family today, but in-between time, I think I'll stitch. :)
Not too much to share with you on the stitching front. After finishing BBD Summer Basket I decided I better get busy stitching on my blocks for "A Token of Friendship" from With My Needle. There are six of us who have been working on this projects; we are each stitching two blocks for ourselves and then two blocks for each of the other six stitchers. Here are the two blocks that I stitched for Joan followed by the first block that I stitched for Jill. I gave Jill her second block before taking a photo of it. I'm now working on Chris' blocks; one of them is done. I'll post a picture of hers in another post. We need to have all of our blocks done by August and then we're going to try to do the assembly together!

I also need to send THANK YOU's to
Kathy A and PJ (no blog.) Recently, both of these ladies gifted me with beaded scissor fobs. Kathy A sent one as a thank you for stitching on her Neighborhood (remember the
neighborhood round robins?) PJ sent one as a thank you for sharing a pattern with her. (Note to PJ -- I can't find your email address, could you email me with it please?) Anyway, aren't these fobs beautiful? Kathy send the one with the topaz colored beads; I like the key charm at the end. PJ sent the one with red, white, and blue colored beads with the angel charm at the end. Aren't they beautiful?

Before I go, I'm going to share some pictures of my flower beds. We've been busy cleaning up around the yard in preparation for our daughter's graduation party which will be in two weeks. Here is the shady area under our deck; the flowers in this garden mostly bloom in the spring.

Are you familiar with the plant called "Jack in the Pulpit?" My mother transplanted this from her wild flower garden.

I noticed that a lupine is growing amidst the ferns:

Last summer, we put a new flower bed in around the gas meter; we needed to do something to make this side of the house look better. The flowers in this bed are blooming like gangbusters!

Here's another bed that we just planted this weekend; this one will be beautiful when the plants mature and the flowers start blooming!

A smaller bed in the front yard:

And finally, take a look at these beautiful irises. They are actually in our neighbor's yard, but we have the best view of them!

Here's to wishing you a great Sunday filled with lots of stitching!