I did find time for some stitching tonight. I purchased this pattern and fabric through Elegant Stitch several weeks ago - it was a fundraiser for Katrina's Kids (proceeds used to purchase holiday gifts for kids who were impacted by Hurricane Katrina). The design is from Little House Needleworks. I have to stitch the heart at the top yet and there's a stitched border around the entire design. The stitching went quickly! It's called Faith, Hope, and Love...

I've been thinking about setting some stitching goals for 2006. I have a hard time planning too far out, so I may just set goals for the first three months of they year and then review and adjust every three months...I may post more on this tomorrow.
Well, off to blog reading. Have a good day!
A sweet design for a very good cause, Cathy!
Setting too specific goals too far in the future doesn't work for me either. Of course, this whole setting goals for my stitching is kinda new to me as I rarely have a deadline on a project, except for Christmas, of course, lol!
Oh Cathy, this is lovely - and for a great cause, too! Congratulations!
I'm like you about planning... I don't like to plan my stitching too far out, otherwise I end up feeling it's an obligation and not a hobby! ;o) (I keep having to plan my work out... Sometimes, very far out... That's more than enough! ;o))
Cathy, I like your LHL design and it's for a great cause!
Also, I think you are right on target with goals, a 3 month plan may be what I need to do too cause I tend to *burn out* if feel that I am locked into a rotation. I think that's why I've avoided a rotation for so long.
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