I have a finish to share with you. My Scarlet's Summer Sampler from Chessie and Me is done! I love how it turned out

I also brought out an oldie but goodie. This piece brings back fond memories of being at the lake with my Auntie Florence. I spent many weekends working on this while at her cabin. It's called You Are My Sunshine and it was designed by La D Da.

That buds on my balloon flower plant exploded this past week. There are many more buds that have yet to open. Isn't it beautiful?

And the hydrangea plant is looking good too!

When I visited the Mad Tatter last week, she gave me this doily. I forgot to share it with you. I love it. (It's done with a Mocha colored thread, but it looks yellowish in the photo, probably due to the green table).

Hope the week ahead treats you right!