Sunday, October 20, 2024


My last full day in Austria. I spent today with my cousin, Reinhard, and his family. Reinhard spent the summer at my mother’s house back in 1991 while working and learning English in Minnesota.

After visiting and catching up a bit, we traveled to Eisenstadt, the capital of Burgenland. We went to the Haydenkirche (Hayden Church). I remember visiting this church on one of my first trips to Austria (a long time ago) but I was happy to see it again.

On the front side is a small chapel. 

View of Eisenstadt, and another look at the outside of the church.

On the backside you can enter the church. There was a baptism taking place, but it was just ending and the family was taking pictures.

We paid homage to Joseph Hayden. He is buried in the church.

From there we went to the Landesmuseum Burgenland. A lot of history in this small museum dating back to the Romans, when they occupied this area.

What was especially interesting to me was this street near the museum. This was the Jewish district.very old homes. Many of these people played a role in building the Esterhazy Palace in Eisenstadt.

This post is significant. There used to be one on the other side too. The chains would be drawn across the street on the Sabbath so that no traffic could travel through the neighborhood.

After our time in Eisenstadt, we traveled wo Weiden am See to have a late lunch at the restaurant on the lake - zum Fritz. Another delicious schnitzel. I forgot to take a picture.

Another day comes to a close. We arranged to zoom with my mother tonight so that she could visit with some of the cousins. Tomorrow, I begin my journey home.

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