Happy New Year! Welcome 2011!
My DH and I had an enjoyable evening last night enjoying hors du oeuvres and watching movies, and I found time for some stitching! We have always spent New Year's Eve at home; it's our holiday for rest and relaxation.
I had hoped to have a final finish for 2010, but was unable to make the deadline; however, I am very, very close. Sampler Game Board from The Drawn Thread was my New Year's Day start back in 2006. It has languished in the WIP (or perhaps UFO would be more accurate) pile for five years. A few weeks ago, I decided it was finally time to finish it and I have been working on it a little bit here and there since November. Unfortunately, I still have 16 squares to go, so as I finished stitching the border last night, I added the year 2011! It will get finished this year.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I joined the Crazy January Challenge. It is a crazy challenge, but I have had a lot of fun going through my stash in preparation for this challenge. If you are not familiar with the plan, let me summarize for you. Pick 15 projects, start one of them on each of the first 15 days in January, then try to finish them in 2011.
Okay, so stitching is supposed to be fun, right? That's why many of us who have accepted this challenge have tailored it to meet our needs. I am going to work some of my current WIPs into the list, and some of my selections will be smaller projects. Maybe I'll finish the 15 projects, maybe I won't - but as I already stated, it sure has been fun planning it out!
So, with that said, and in no particular order - here are my first 14 projects. Yep, I still have to figure out what the 15th one is going to be!
1. CHS Alphabet Blocks (WIP - 4 blocks completed, 4 blocks partially completed)
2. SP Jenny Bean Halloween Sampler (WIP)
3. Heartstring Samplery Poppy Maye Russell
4. BBD Flowers for Sarah (WIP - but it only has about 10 stitches in it!)
5. CSS Quaker Medallion Sampler (thanks Diana!)
6. BRD Blessed Beyond Measure
7. BOAF Happy Hearts Sampler
8. BBD Peacock Pinkeep
9. Chessie & Me Scarlet's Christmas Sampler
10. BBD Joyeux Noel
11. SP Jenny Bean Christmas Sampler
12. WMN Blue House Needleminder
13. HS Folk Art Hornbook
14. CSS I Sigh Not For Beauty
15. TBD
I know, it's quite an ambitious list. Without a doubt there will be other projects throughout the year that I will want to stitch.
So now, it's time to hit the stitchy chair and start my first piece for 2011. Which one do you think it will be? I'll give you a clue, it won't be any of the WIPs on the list...
Hope you are enjoying a wonderful and warm New Year's Day filled with family and friends and time for stitching!