Whew, finally made it to the weekend! The last nine days have been crazy - Stillwater, MN - Madison, WI - Duluth, MN - Atlanta, GA and now back home. I'm catching up on laundry and my household chores, but I must confess, I've already taken a catnap!
Was out in the yard for a little bit. Guess what's for dinner? Green beans and zucchini! I need to make sure I have all the ingredients to make a zucchini chocolate cake tomorrow.

And look at these beautiful flowers! This first plant we call a "balloon flower." The Mad Tatter has several of these plants along the side of her house. The hydrangea is starting to bloom too. What do you think my favorite color is?

I know you visit this blog for my stitching updates; there hasn't been much stitching going on in my world lately, so how about some finishing? I sent some La D Da prices off to the fabulous Faye and got them back recently.
Here's Birdy Stitching Roll...

Next up, Basket Weave Needle-Keep...

Here's the front of the Basket Weave Needle-Keep along with my favorite, Garden Maiden...

While I do a fair amount of my own finishing, sometimes it's fun to have someone else do the finishing (then I can stitch more!). Faye does a fabulous job!
Did someone mention catnap? I think I need a couple minutes of shut-eye and then I must get back to work.
Thanks for stopping!