Just before Thanksgiving I started another large sampler. I think I posted a clue back on November 17. I finished the vine portion of the border and stopped. I needed to make a trip to my LNS for the other threads that I needed. This new start is His Eye is on the Sparrow from Heartstring Samplery. I originally started stitching it on 45 count but I stitch in hand and I
Iike to sew (I don't poke/stab). I found it difficult to sew on the 45 count so I started over on 40 count Lakeside Linen Vintage Pecan Butter. I will return to stitching on this one soon.

The weekend after Thanksgiving I had the urge to start the following Goode Huswife design. It's been in my stash forever! I had a piece of unknown 40 count linen in my stash that I thought would work perfectly. I picked up the NPI silks at my LNS during their Black Friday sale. May I present With My Needle...

Finally, I got the itch last night to start this next sampler. There's a story with this one. Last year I stitched about a third of it and decided I didn't like the way it was turning out. I was stitching with two threads over two on 36 count. The stitches were too thick and I wasn't enjoying it, so I set it aside. I've started over on 40 count Vintage Country Mocha using one thread over two with the recommended GAST and Weeks threads. I'm much happier and don't mind one bit that I've started over. This is Never Let You Go from Heartstring Samplery.

I should really be working on some a Christmas ornaments but it has never worked well for me to stitch on things that I "should" be stitching. I have to stitch on a design that I "want" to stitch on.
Thought you might enjoy seeing a recent photo of the Mad Tatter. She had a table at our church's Christmas boutique last weekend. She is having carpal tunnel surgery this week on her left hand. It should go fine, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers anyway.

That's all I've got right now! Glad to be home stitching tonight because it's freezing cold outside and we're expecting a couple of inches of snow. Thanks for stopping by!
Great to hear from you and see what you have been up to. Beautiful stitching! And I hope your mom has a speedy recovery!
You have been busy stitching instead of posting...and I totally get that. Sometimes I think I should lay off all the social media and I could get a lot more accomplished. Beautiful work...as always. We like the same things, that's for sure!
P.S. Your Mom is so cute!!!
Yep, me too - it's just too hard to stitch on something I "should" stitch on if I'm not feeling it. :)
Praying for your Mom!
I know what you mean not liking the look of 2 over 2 on 36 ct. On Nicole's Needlework's blog she talks about even using 1 over 2 on a 32 count. I've tried it and absolutely love the look. The stitches are precise (no railroading floss) and I think it ages the piece automatically .... just my opinion. Your work is outstanding .... I love the same designers as you.
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