I have one last finish to share with you. Yesterday, Christmas Eve, my daughter and I made a quick shopping trip and then came home and made fudge and chocolate mint cookies. I had a couple final ornaments to finish and here's one that you haven't seen:

It's from the 2003 JCS Ornament issue; the design is by Glory Bee. It was a quickie to stitch!
We had a wonderful evening last night at my mom's. My entire family was there (I have four brothers!) It's rare for us all to be there at the same time on any holiday, so this was quite a special occasion. With four in-laws (actually, we call them the 'outlaws') and seven grandchildren, I guess you could say we had a full house!
My mother is a church organist, so growing up, I always went with her to midnight mass (in the days when the service was really at midnight!) Now, many churches have their evening service at 10 p.m. My mother still plays the organ at her church. I sang last night in the choir at my church. It was particularly nice to have my daughter there with me - she played the flute with the orchestra!
Today's events were much slower paced - we returned to my mom's for dinner - pork roast, beef roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, broccoli, etc., etc. It was a much smaller crowd today. We were joined by my 85 year-old aunt who always spends holidays with us. Then it was on to football! Both of our teams (Green Bay and Minnesota) lost today. :(
Tomorrow I play chauffeur to my son and daughter who have hockey and basketball camp respectively! At some point during the day, I plan to go through my stitching stash to figure out what my priorities are going to be for 2006!
Have a wonderful day after Christmas everyone!