The past few weeks have been kind of busy for many reasons - I've been working longer hours at work, our new puppy keeps us on our toes, and we've been working on some home improvement projects. I also accepted responsibility for writing my EGA chapter's newsletter - it turned out to be more involved than I expected! At the end of the day, there's just not much time left for stitching! Fortunately, I was able to keep up with the commitments I had made, but that's about all I had time for. I hope that I'll have more time this fall - I have so many things in my stash that I want to stitch!
Let's start with the pinkeep that I sent to Katrina - this was for the Summer House exchange. I really love stitching houses. This design was from a French website. I didn't take a picture of the back, but I used some of the pink/cream ABC sampler fabric from Blackbird designs.
Next up is the Summer exchange that I sent to Simone. This is a seasonal exchange group, so Simone will be receiving something from me for Fall, Winter, and Spring too. For this round, I stitched Blooming Summer bellpull from Homespun Elegance. I adjusted the flag on it to include the colors of the flag for the Netherlands.
Another thing I have been working on recently is a Neighborhood Round Robin. I've been stitching on Erin's neighborhood this round. Erin requested a "woodsy" theme, so I think I did okay in trying to meet her request. I actually combined elements from The Drawn Thread and Prairie Schooler to come up with a block that looks like this:
So, that's about it for now. In a few days I should have more pictures to post. My fifth and final PIF gift, my Fair and Square exchange block, and my piece for the What's the Buzz exchange were recently mailed.
Thanks for stopping by - I'm sorry that I haven't been very good about blogging lately. I do try to read blogs once a week but haven't been taking time to comment. It's always so much fun to see what everyone else is working on! Thanks again --- until next time, Happy Stitching!
Great pieces Cathy :) I love the Summer bellpull and the pinkeep and RR look great!
Those are all beautiful pieces, Cathy :)
You have been busy - your exchange pieces are wonderful!
Great work!
Welcome back! I have missed you!!! Wow, those are such beautiful exchanges you made!!! And Erin's RR is just perfect! If you want to see how yours is starting off, check my blog ;-) I feel for your kids having to go back to school already!!
Your exchanges are beautiful!!! Love the RR block too!
Very nice pieces!! I especially like the HE Bellpull.
Great pieces! Hope you get the chance to fit some more stitching in this fall. I love the RR block - so so cute!
Beautiful exchange pieces Cathy.
Lovely finishes, glad to see you back in the blogging world!
Everything is gorgeous! You know I love my pinkeep, thank you again. The round robin is great too.
Cathy your stitching is an inspiration to me. I hope that things start to settle down for you so that you can get more stitching time in. It's always frustrating to be pulled in so many directions. Big hugs to you :)
Great pieces you have there Cathy - I know what you mean about doing a quick drive-by blogs once a week ... I try to read but rarely comment these days either. Great to see you back again! :D
Very pretty pieces! I have had that house chart printed out, and have been planning to stitch it soon. It's great to see what it looks like finished :)
I love the woodsy stuff! I'm glad you're back.
Hi Cathy! How nice to see you posting. Lovely projects you have been working on. I realy like the house for your RR.
It's always wonderful to visit your blog :) Both exchanges are very beautiful, the house is pretty and the bellpull is lovely! The RR looks great too!
Everything looks great!
Hi Cathy, wow, you've been busy. As always, your recent stitching is just super :)
All of those are so beautiful, I love what you chose for the NRR :D
You have kept busy I see. Your exchanges and the RR you have been working on are beautiful!
Hi, I'm Fani, a new neighbour. Nice to "meet" you. I've just started my blog tonite. I'm a beginner. By the way,those pieces are so great! :)
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