Last weekend we had our fall festival at church. This year, our church is celebrating its sesquicentennial (150 years). Lots of things to do for all ages over the two-day celebration. On Saturday night there was a variety show. Some of my friends from church and I have done this act on and off for the past five or six years. Since it was such a significant year, we decided to "dust off our habits" and do the act again this year.
Let me explain...have you ever seen the play "Nunsense" - it's hilarious, especially if you were raised Catholic and went to private school where the teachers were nuns. Even if you didn't experience it first hand, the play is still quite funny. If you haven't seen Nunsense, then I'm sure you've seen or heard about the movie "Sister Act" starring Whoppi Goldberg.
Now why am I telling you all of this? See below:
We call ourselves the "Sisters of the OCC" (Order of Complete Chaos!) By the way, there was a real nun up there on stage with us! I'm the nun at the microphone in the middle.
We are an "equal opportunity" order!
Yes, I'm the good sister on the right. That's apple cider that I'm drinking by the way (yeah right!)
I guess you've just seen another side of me!
Oh my gosh, Cathy, what fun!!!! :D
I love seeing the pictures of you, and it just looks like such a rollicking good time was had by all.
You should share other bits of your life more often, Cathy!! Wish I could have been there to enjoy the good time with all of you. :D
sounds like a hilarious time Cathy, thanks for sharing with us :)
Oh how funny!!! I love both of the shows Sister Act and Nunsense and of course being raised Catholic and getting your hand swatted in school by Sister Estelle...well I can relate and it makes me laugh, laugh, laugh!
How funny about being equal opportunity :)
How great Cathy! And I love the apple cider *grin*, you know it's so good this time of year...and especially with a big slice of pizza....we used to home brew our own version of "apple cider" *grin* before we had kids...LOL!
It looks like you had the most 'divine' time, Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Cathy: Awesome : ) OUr daughter brought home the script a few years back. What I read was very funny. Looks like you are totally enjoying your self
Looks like a lot of fun! Love the name-LOL
Very fun! You look like you are having a wonderful time.
Cathy...loved your post :-) Brought me back to the days when I visited my aunt in the convent and wore the rosary beads as a necklace.
Might point out that I was named after a wonderful nun: Sister Marie Bernadette :-)
Truly an enjoyable post!
Cathy, this is just crazy!! I love Nunsense!!! I try to see it every time I can! I think it's just hilarious. To think you're in! It would be so much fun to see you. Fantastic.
Oh, that is just too funny! You make a marvelous nun.
I love nunsence. None of the sisters are anything like the nuns I had in grade 1, 3, 7 and 8. I always thought this play was done with love and respect and joy. Certainly your production was the same. I Never ever was taught by a nun with wiskers nor nursed by one. There was a Catholic hospital in the city I grew up in and it was staffed by the nursing Sisters of St. Joseph. THANKS for sharing.
Oh Cathy, I LOVE your post - and the photos are priceless. Wish we could all have been there to see it! Looks like you were having a total blast! :D
Wow, what an uproarious evening it must have been and a really ingenius way of raising some much needed funds. What a bunch of happy nuns you make :>)
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