Friday, October 18, 2024


Today was another great day! We traveled again to Hungary to visit the Lace House in Hegyko and the Lace Museum in Hoevej - both in Hungary.

Our first stop was the Lace Museum. If you have followed my blog for a long time then you know that several years ago I met Mrs. Szigethy to see her lace and learn how it was done. Mrs. Szigethy died a few years ago, but her daughter maintains the Lace Museum in Hegyko, Hungary to honor her mother’s memory. I have a lot of pictures to share!

Take a close look at the picture I am pointing at. Do you recognize anyone in this picture? :)

Behind the Lace House is now a garden with all kinds of herbs. Some of them were blooming.

Behind the herb garden is a barn that houses all kinds of antique farming tools and equipment.

There is a house behind the barn that was for sale and they are renovating it. Perhaps it will be another exhibit in the future or just a place for guests to stay.

It was just a short walk to the Schnapps factory. It was warm inside and it smelled really good. It seems like a very small operation, but they supply schnapps to all of the restaurants in Hungary and have won many awards. I tasted one of the apricot schnapps!

After visiting the Lace House, we went to a neighboring village to have lunch. The Burgermeister restaurant! It was my lucky day - they had diet Pepsi! I had Cordon Bleu for lunch. The portions were so large; Martin ate some of my lunch.

We traveled then to Hoevej, about 14 miles away. My maternal grandfather’s father (my great grandfather) was born in Hoevej. Mrs. Szigethy was also born in Hoevej. This is where the Hoevej lace is made.

We stopped first to visit a woman who makes beautiful Hoevej lace. I may have met her once, but we mostly know each other via Facebook. Her mother also makes Hoevej lace. Her home was beautifully decorated with Hoevej lace everywhere.

After our visit we went to the Cszipke Muzeum (Lace Museum). Here, the work of many women from Hoevej who have made Hoevej lace is displayed.

While I was there, the Vice Mayor came and took a picture. I can’t imagine that they have visitors from America very often. Maybe I will be in the newspaper!

Sadly, our day had come to an end. It is about a 40 minute drive back to Tadten and we wanted to get back before it got dark. What a wonderful day!

A few more pictures -

The church in Hegyko (the Lace Museum is next to it.) Behind it is a school that has been renovated.

Delicious treats, including Linzer and Kipferl.

A phone booth in Hoevej!

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