Saturday, July 08, 2023

Floss Friends Retreat

What happened to June? Before I can talk about July, I have to finish telling you about June. My PIC and I squeezed in one more stitching weekend. We attended the Floss Friends Retreat held in Waverly, IA.

It was held in a community room in their City Office building right in the heart of downtown Waverly. In fact, we were just a block away from Fiberworks, the needlework store in Waverly.

It was a great retreat - comfortable seating, great lighting, excellent food (we had some great lasagna one night made at the local hospital cafeteria!) Two local stitchers had hosted the event and they put in a ton of effort to ensure we all had a great time!

The highlight of the weekend was meeting Jacquelyn Fox from Waxing Moon Designs. She is a local designer, based in Osage, IA. We’re always up for meeting a cross stitch designer that we haven’t met before!

She brought a trunk show with of her designs…

And she designed a patriotic piece just for us!

We had a great time with old friends and new friends!

Before I sign off, let me share a couple photos of Griffin and Rosie. Griffin is our grandson. He was born at the end of May and is just a little over six weeks old now. In the last week or two his personality has really started to show. He loves to have his hands up!

And Rosie is our new lab. She is 13 weeks old. We decided that Lizzie needed a companion. They are getting along famously.


Have a great weekend! Keep on stitching!


diamondc said...

Hi Cathy: It sounds like you had a wonderful time, I can never find where the retreats are happening until after they happen.
Griffin is positively adorable congratulations Grandma, you are so Blessed.
Rosie is so sweet, we lost Krissy and have only Mikey now we are thinking of a new baby for him, he is lonely.
I hope you share what you stitched at retreat.
I did not see you on the MNG retreat roster, I do hope you are able to come.


Robin in Virginia said...

It sounded like the Floss Friends Retreat was a lot of fun and a good time. Always lovely to meet a designer in person. Griffin is precious. Glad to hear Rosie is adjusting and Lizzie looks like she enjoys Rosie.

Marilyn said...

Great designer, she's been designing for a long time.
Griffin is too cute!
Congrats on another sweet puppy.

Khristine Doiron said...

Congrats on your new additions! Nothing much sweeter than a new baby or a puppy!

Robin said...

Sounds like a great retreat. Griffin, so sweet and so innocent